Being you is the healthiest choice you can make.

You might currently feel unhealthy, like you’re aren’t finding time to exercising as much as you should. Eating doesn’t always go as planned. Your energy levels are low. Your body feels stiff. Have anyone, like society, told you that you’re starting to become what they call….. old?

The solution isn’t always to exercise more, drink more green juices and smoothies and jump on strict eating regiments.

What you need might just be to put your phone down and stop listening to all the advice, tips, tricks and warnings that are constantly thrown at you through social media, the news, family and colleagues.

If you feel old, tired and stiff like a stick, and you haven’t even hit your 40s, then you need to backtrack. Go back to the source, which is the real, authentic you.

Answer this question with full honesty – what would the real, authentic you do to take care of her body better? What would she want you to eat, to do with her life, to prioritise and NOT prioritise?

Your body reflects your mindset and energy. It tells a story about your expectations, your beliefs, and to which degree you are, or are not, following your inner purpose and desire for life.

Your body adapts to how you choose to live. If your body gets used to a sedentary lifestyle, it won’t need to be athletic and strong. If you lead an active lifestyle were you go hiking several times per week, your muscles and heart will grow stronger to make the hiking easier for you.

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