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Being you is the healthiest choice you can make.
You might currently feel unhealthy, like you’re aren’t finding time to exercising as much as you should. Eating doesn’t always go as planned. Your energy levels are low. Your body feels stiff. Have anyone, like society, told you that you’re starting to become what they call….. old? The solution isn’t…
How to learn strict pull ups, even if you have tried for yeeeears and feel like */8=&%¤ ;-P
If you’re tired of being the person who can’t do a pull up, I have some tips for you. Maybe you even feel jealous when you see others able to do it, or you don’t want to test and see yourself fail? Okay… Don’t stress too much about it. There…
6 steps to exercise more during vacation
You’ve probably just like me, experienced having one week off work, and forgotten about exercise! Am I right? In this post I’ll share my best tips with you on how to keep that exercise routine during the summer holidays. Often during vacation I visit the farm I’ve grown up on,…
Aim for something bigger
Do you ever give up on, or delay, implementing your new exercise routines or new eating habits, even though you know they’ll improve your life? I got you! To help make it easier to implement new routines (and I’m not saying it’s EASY), start with the big picture in mind.…